Tag Archives: Christmas

WTF? (What THE?! Fridays) Part 13 (Is that unlucky?) Christmas Edition

This week’s WTF? is not so much a WTF?, unless you are my parents and you are continually amazed that other parts of the world have Christmas stuff, as well. To be fair, I’m kind of amused myself that there are so many Christmas decorations and so much Christmas music around Thailand. One of my Thai friends said it’s because Thais love any excuse to have fun and have a party.

So, I’m just going to post a (very) few pictures of a Thai Christmas…

Christmas decorations at Paragon mall.

Christmas Bunny...

Christmas Bunnies plural.

(At Amarin Mall) Christmas BEAR dressed up as Christmas BUNNY! This is doing my head in because it's so cute. Gah.


Utz Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips. For the love of god, I have the best sister in the world. I'm not even going to tell you the average price of the chips after shipping. But totally worth it. Totally worth it. Thanks, sis!

Me in a chip coma. There was a funnier, even more staged one where I had strewn chips all over my face--which is what usually happens when I eat chips--but I decided to have some dignity (shut it!). Anyway, I'm not kidding, these chips are by FAR superior to anything there is in Thailand. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Christmas Eve plans include traditional Christmas Eve burritos and many margaritas with the lovely Dani and Melanie and their respective others. Christmas dinner will be spent with Melanie and her respective other, eating homemade apple pie. Be jealous, suckers. Melanie has an oven!

I’m not quite missing Christmas yet because it feels so much like summer here still. If I were in a cold, Christian country, I might feel a little different. But as I’m currently in a hot Buddhist country sitting in my underwear and sweating like crazy, I’m kind of forgetting I’m supposed to be all bundled up in a blanket, sitting with my family and watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story while stuffing myself silly with delicious food…ahhhh….

And one more Christmas Bunny picture…

Does the Christmas Bunny leave baskets by coming down the chimney? But do they have chimneys in Thailand? INSANITY!

Merry Christmas to my friends and family! I miss you all!


Filed under Thailand, WTF?